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CHS Band Weekly Update 10/13/2024

Oct 13, 2024

Good Afternoon Band Family!

Hopefully you had a chance to rest for a bit this weekend. We are on the homestretch for the marching season with only one more football game and three competition performances left. 

Nashville Bound

  • The band is headed to Nashville this Spring to perform in the WorldStrides Heritage Festival

  • This is a Concert Performance, but all band members in good standing are invited to attend the trip.

  • Trip dates: March 13th-March 16th

  • Cost: $850 includes transportation, hotel, competition, awards ceremony, and other add ons. 

    • The closer we get to 90 participants the more add ons we get without increasing the cost per student. 

  • Payment Schedule: $200 11/1

$200 12/2

$200 1/8

$250* 2/3

*The final payment may be reduced depending on the number of students going on the trip

  • You may use your band ledger to pay for the trip.

  • Checks can be made out to Charlottesville High School Band

UVA v Louisville clean up tomorrow

The Stafford Showcase and the homecoming dance

  • Our next marching band competition is this weekend.

  • Please see the itinerary here

  • The band does everything it can to avoid competing overtop of the homecoming dance and this is only the second time in my 12 years here that this has happened. It will likely not be a conflict next year. 

  • All of our marchers have worked incredibly hard for their performance at our competitions and as such it is expected that students will be at the competition understanding that some will leave as soon as they are able to in order to make it back with plenty of time to make it to the dance. 

  • We are sending two buses back early. 

    • We currently have 39 students signed up for the early bus

  • The early bus should arrive back at school before 6pm. If this is still too late, parents can pick students up from the competition and arrive back closer to 5:15pm.

  • If parents wish to carpool students back then students may ride with an adult other than their parent or guardian if they submit this form by Thursday

  • Also, keep in mind Homecoming is from 7-10. According to some in band leadership, you don’t need to be there right at 7.

Three weeks left of early morning marching band. Almost there!

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