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50th Anniversary Alumni Concert

50th Anniversary CHS Alumni Concert.png

Please join us for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Charlottesville High School Alumni Concert! Saturday November 16, 2024 at Charlottesville High School

• CHS Directors Will Cooke, Jason Hackworth, and Emily Thomas Waters, plus Alumni Directors Laura Mulligan Thomas and Vincent J. Tornello •

Click HERE for payment ($30 includes welcome reception refreshments, name tag, catered lunch, custodial fees, music, etc.) 

Click HERE to register.

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT IS OCTOBER 18. We are expecting a large turnout, please register ASAP for a guaranteed spot!

Event Schedule (Saturday, November 16):

  • 9 am: Arrive, pick up name tag, enjoy refreshments and reminisce! 

  • 10 am: Band, Chorus, and Orchestra rehearse separately

  • 12 pm: Catered lunch

  • 1:30 pm: Rehearsal of CHS Onward (newly arranged by Vincent Tornello!)

  • 2:30 pm: Change into concert attire

  • 3:30 pm: Concert in the MLK PAC

Further details and confirmation of your registration will be sent after the October 1 registration deadline. Meanwhile, feel free to email for more info!

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