Weekly Update 8/20/2024
Aug 20, 2024
Good morning band family!
First of all an excited welcome to all of our concert band families that are joining us since the start of school! Sorry for the delay in the weekly update. I’ve been just a little busy trying to get everything going. Friday and Saturday’s marching rehearsals were probably the best attended Fri/Sat rehearsals I’ve held. Please make these a priority as the band continues to improve!
Spring Trip
We are still working out details of the spring trip. This trip is open to all band members
Vague details that we do know
It will probably be in March before Spring Break
It will probably be close to $900
Seat Install
Why mention the Spring Trip? Because you can start paying down the trip now with a little elbow grease.
The Seat install is an excellent way to earn money for student ledgers that go toward individual band payments. Find out more details about what it is here
Our final seat install is this Saturday beginning at 8am.
We have close to 400 seats left to install plus clean up and set up for the first game on the 31st.
Marching Band students remember you have rehearsal till 11am Saturday morning.
Therefore, I’m looking for a lot of non-marchers and parents.
Upcoming dates:
Friday Aug. 23rd after school marching rehearsal 4-6:30pm (no morning rehearsal)
Saturday Aug. 24th rehearsal 8-11am and Final Seat Install 8am-4pm
Friday Aug. 30th First CHS home football game
Saturday Aug. 31st UVA seat sales fundraiser report time: 3:30pm Kick off: 6 pm est finish: 11:30pm
Make sure to start practicing for Senior Regional Orchestra Auditions near the end of September and All-VA Jazz audition at the beginning of November