CHS Band Weekly Update
Aug 5, 2024
Good Morning Band Family!
Welcome to week two of band camp. We have accomplished so much since the start of camp a week ago. We’ve set over a minute's worth of show on the field, had our first freshmen pass of the 1st movement of the show, and installed over 1000 seats at Scott stadium. There is still a lot of work to be done though.
Schedule for the week:
Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4pm
Pool party Thursday 6:00pm Fry’s Spring
Friday 12:30-7:30pm
Friends and Family Show Friday 6:30pm CHS
Band Shirts!!!!
All band members and staff get one shirt for the year
Extra shirts or shirts for family members are $30.
The shirts cost more this year because we are going with an moisture wicking athletic style material (think under armour).
If you want an extra shirt, money is due by Wednesday of this week. Please indicate your adult unisex size with your payment
Pool Party
There is currently a threat of rain for Thursday. Stay tuned for more information
Parent Show
The Parent show is rain or shine. If it is raining or seriously threatening to rain, then we will be inside in the auditorium. It is at CHS at 6:30pm.
Seat Install
We got a lot of seats installed this past Saturday.
We have round two of our seat install this Saturday weather permitting.
The Sign-up genius will be out later today (hopefully)
Half way through band camp and it feels like we just started! Let's make it a great second week.