Committees Sign up - Please consider signing up for a committee either as a coordinator or someone to help with that committee's efforts. Go here to sign up.
Student Dues and Fees
2018-2019 DUES & FEES
Instrument Rental fee (if applicable)
$100 for the entire year regardless of the number of instruments used
Marching Band dues
$150 (If you have a second or third student their fee is $100 each)
Marching Shoes fee
New $40 a pair
Used $5 a pair
Marching Gloves fee
$4 a pair
Winter Guard dues
$150 (If you have a second or third student their fee is $100 each)
Drumline dues
$150 (If you have a second or third student their fee is $100 each)
Please make an effort to pay your dues/fees by the Marching Band Preview Performance/Potluck in August or by the first week of school for instrument rental or within a week of the start of Winter Guard/Drumline.
There will be fundraising via seat concessions at UVA football games to help pay for dues/fees in August, September, October, and November.
If you have questions or concerns about your ability to pay student dues, please contact Mr. Hackworth or the Band Boosters at CharlottesvilleBandBoosters@gmail.com.
Checks should be made payable to CHS Band Boosters and can be given to Mr. Hackworth, or mailed to CHS Band Boosters, 1400 Melbourne Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Click here to pay via PayPal. Cash is also accepted. Mr. Hackworth will provide your student with a receipt for any payments received -- be sure to ask your student for the receipt. Questions about your student's band account balance/amount due can be addressed to the Band Booster Treasurer at treasurerchsbandboosters@gmail.com.